Rising Tide Charities

We are an education based non-profit based in Hillsborough County Florida. Our mission is to level the playing field for child education by offering free access to technology and tutoring.

Photos coming soon for our donation to a local Hillsborough County School. Pleased to share our successful partnership to offer students access to technology.

Believe in the boundless capabilities of a child and recognize that we are all unique with unique talents and potential!

About Charity

We Believe Global Action Starts Locally

Our founders are high schoolers who have participated in the Mayor Youth Corp in Tampa, FL. The income divide, opportunities gap and lack of technology access in formative years became abundantly clear to them through their tenure at this school government hybrid program. Researching more about technology waste, they recognized an opportunity to give old electronics a new life and partner with the county and local schools. It started with them collecting and donating iPads for non English/ESL speaking classmates so that they can follow instructions and do their homework and the journey continues on….

Ethan M & Rohan M,Founders Rising Tide Charities

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HB Plant High School donation

August 9 2023 Proud to announce the donation of twenty laptops to the guidance department of HB Plant High School in Tampa, Hillsborough…